Author Archives: Green Scenery

Professional grounds maintenance for improved biodiversity

Biodiversity refers to the range and variety of life forms within a specific area. Your commercial grounds will no doubt be home to a range of plant, insect and bird life, but for many commercial grounds, grass lawns are often highly predominant, reducing the potential for biodiversity. A professional grounds maintenance team can help to […]

Spring maintenance for commercial grounds

With spring just around the corner, tending to your commercial grounds is very important. This is the time of year when nature awakens and the plants begin to grow again. As such, it’s important that the grounds are prepared for the new growth, and that the earth is well maintained. But what are the important […]

Why is winter a great time to plant trees?

commercial grass cutting

Winter might not seem like the ideal time to plant anything, especially with the cold temperatures, wet weather, and frost, snow and ice. However, for trees in the UK, winter planting can be the perfect option. But why is winter a great time to plant trees? And why should your company or business consider planting […]

Winter path clearance for businesses

snow clearance in winter time

The winter brings a number of challenges for businesses and companies, but one thing that should not be overlooked is path clearance. Taking good care of your grounds during the winter is an important aspect to consider, but what is the importance of winter path clearance for businesses? And why should you choose a professional […]

Benefits of hiring a professional gardens and grounds maintenance team this New Year

With the New Year fast approaching, home and grounds improvements are often top of the do list for both homeowners and businesses alike. Keeping your gardens or grounds in top condition all year round can be hard work, and takes a lot of research as well as time and effort. A professional team can help […]

Benefits of choosing a professional grounds team for winter maintenance services

snow clearance in winter time

Looking after the grounds or gardens on your property, commercial or domestic, is essential for the longevity and health of your plants, as well as the aesthetic appeal. In the winter, this becomes even more important for both safety and growth in the Spring. A professional team can provide the holistic and long term support […]

Benefits of trimming hedges in winter

hedge and shrub maintenance

Hedges can make stunning statement plants for any grounds or gardens, in any setting, commercial or residential. But maintaining these hedges can be a year round challenge, with trimming the hedges an important task for your winter grounds maintenance. So what are the benefits of trimming hedges in winter? And what should you consider? What […]

Maintenance considerations for large gardens

 Large gardens or grounds can be a big benefit for your commercial or residential property, but they do need more maintenance. So what are the important maintenance considerations for large gardens? And how can you be sure to keep large grounds in great condition all year round? What are the important maintenance considerations for large […]

Essential autumn maintenance tasks for gardens and grounds

Whether you have large commercial grounds, or a residential garden, taking care of your landscaping during Autumn can be very important. But what are the most essential autumn maintenance tasks for gardens and grounds? And why should you consider hiring a professional team? What are the essential autumn maintenance tasks for gardens and grounds? There […]